Designing my living room (mid-century retro!)

I love a living room as the name says you spend most of your time living there, having a cozy place to flop on the couch after a long day, a place to curl up and read a book, or watch sports with friends is an important part of making any place a home.

Grey is sooo out (FINALLY) after almost 10 years of grey tones being the go to color for couches, flooring, walls, and more! We are starting to see the resurgence of other colors in homes blues, yellows, warm earthy tones such as green and browns. Home & Garden recently did a whole article about how while grey is fading it can still be used correctly! I loved this as the LVP in my apartment has grey undertones and I needed to know how to create a space that meshed with the existing colors.

Mock up of open concept living room and kitchen with the grey toned LVP

Keeping those colors which I can't change in mind and that my taste and preference will change over the years, I wanted to make my living room have a statement piece without that being a super expensive piece like a couch so when my taste changes in a few years we won't want to throw out the whole couch$$$.

(Put in pictures of 2 rugs)

Living room rug

Bedroom rug

I loved both of these rugs they are bright and fun, bringing lots of color into a home! Since both are related in theme with flowers and plants I plan on one going in my bedroom and the other in the living room to make my apartment flow together. I have this forest green linen duvet color and this lilac one that can work interchangeably with the lighter rug in my bedroom tying everything together.

Back to the living room!

COUCH SHOPPING IS A MARATHON NOT A SPRINT! This was by far the hardest part of furnishing my apartment we walked into over 10 stores searching for the perfect couch, too hard, too soft, no support, too straight backed, grey (HAH) so so so many sectionals and not enough regular couches. Couches are an investment for sure but also at 26, this isn't my forever furniture. I want it to be quality enough to last a few apartments and be the first piece of furniture in my first home so I was pretty picky when trying them out and try out we did sitting on nearly every couch each store had and using my little sister to test the couches “flopability”. Finally after lots of searching we found the perfect couch; deep for relaxed seating, a neutral color, and a great quality that should last for years!

Couch we found! Needed to cut me out after a long day of work :’)

Next up is a tv stand and all the little things that make it homey pictures, art work, plants and blankets of course :)


Designing your first apartment on a budget!